Botany and Fibre

The team!

Here at Botany+Fibre we are a small family team. One of us does the science and the making, the other business and operations, and the third, well he's just learning about the world right now but is very much a part of our inspiration.

We started Botany+Fibre because we are fascinated by the power of plants and the science of natural dyes, but also want to celebrate slow fashion and textile production so we can help provide a more sustainable future for our son. 


As a young girl growing up in rural England I always dreamed about being a botanist. I remember sitting in my front garden around 6 or 7 with my best friend while we tried to dye a piece of cloth with mashed up blackberries we had picked in the field behind. It didn't go very well. Then years went by, I moved to london to study at the Royal College of Art and became a photographer and artist. 

My art was always about nature and the loss I felt while living in central London and not surrounded by the green fields and forests of my youth. I wanted to take those forests and carry them with me always, so by natural dying I imbued textiles with the essence of my home, the flowers, the trees.

Botany+Fibre continues this tradition, taking botanicals from our family home but also using extracts from all over the world to create natural colour on beautiful natural textiles. 

Whilst creating Botany+Fibre I also manage a London art gallery, I have a masters degree from the Royal College of Art and have been exhibiting work for many year across the world. But now with a small family I am drawn back to traditional crafts and the process of making, and through that trying to make the world a better place for my family.